Saturday, June 20, 2009

What is "Panda's Puzzle"?

Panda's Puzzle is a book from my childhood about a panda who goes on a long journey to determine whether he's "a white bear with black spots or a black bear with white spots". In the end, he discovers that it doesn't really matter what color his spots are, and chooses to describe himself as a "traveller who plays tunes".

As I was trying to sort out what to name this blog, Panda's Puzzle came to mind. This blog (which I should probably have gotten round to starting 3 years ago), is about all the parts of my life that don't translate so well into a buzz-word packed line on a C.V.: Mathematics, cooking, drawing, biking, yoga, photography, camping, bird-watching, frog-catching, puzzle-solving, neuroscience, restaurant discovery, thrift store exploration, etc. So when it came to the naming of the blog, I found I was a bit stuck. is a bit of a mouthful and could also lead to some confusion as to what this blog is actually about. And thus, I gave up on trying to find a fitting name for it and instead named it after a panda who, like me, isn't exactly sure where he belongs on the continuum of white-bears to black-bears (or in my case, artists to scientists).

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